Friday, December 25, 2009


Hello, seasons greetings from a house that's leaking with people
I don't fully understand it why today the steeple
Seems to be on overload
Grown to max capacity
Is it inspired from a hunger inside?
That all these children want to be close to Christ
Maybe maybe not
Possibly God's in luck to have their attention for the night
But faith is a little more than one time at church
I'm not one to judge so I'll use kind words
Why just now... Why not always?
Sure it's a birthday celebration
But look God gave
his body to remember his invitation
to do as he did & pursue
Not leave him
If we are in pursuit
Then why don't we please him
The church was made to bring us closer to him
Unite us to commune in
Sacred space to consume him
Through communion
Praise him with song
A sound that truly goes on and on

But okay i'm excited God's home is packed
but I really hope we are on the right path
When the end comes there could be aftermath
Jesus might say, "why didn't you come back?
It was my birthday and yeah that's that...
But i'm here every week and You i'd really love to see...
You are special to me more than you can even think...
Please know that as you sit on your seat...
Pondering the next time we will pray and meet...
I am in your heart and activated with peace...
Surrender with ease... I'll take care of you... But please don't freeze.
The world is cold and you can lose control.
But if you reach out I have a strong hold and I won't let you go...
So you can't go far.. I am with the shinning star.
Now You know how to find me whereever you are!
Okay we good? Sure hope so...
If you didn't then now you know. Hope to see you around my beautiful child!"

There you have it
These are the matters
that are hopeful but distractin
What is the driving force behind the action of coming to church on Christmas is what i'm askin
Is really Jesus? Tradition? Or a mark to your checklist? All glory to God everyday is a lesson!



Sunday, December 13, 2009


Okay okay okay... cool night tonight. Starts off at St. Bernadine's Parish in Woodland Hills. I was able to speak and rap with about 60 amazing teenagers in 2nd year of confirmation classes. Today's theme was Mary! My speech was on 3 things:
1) How saying "yes" essentially changed to course of humanity! (when Mary said Yes to bear Christ)
2) Developing a "why not?" faith mentality. If we limit our belief we aren't thinking "why not?". This way of thought allows anything to be possible. You can be the best, get a promotion, heal your family, date a really attractive girl... whatever it may be. We need to go into situations with a "why not?" outlook.
3) I taught them to to be official Rosary Rappers.

So as soon as that ended I flew down to the Million Dollar Theatre in Los Angeles in the Batmobile (my car). I found out about Fran Drescher's Charity Benefit concert thanks to my talented friend Caitlin Crosby who was performing in the show. So, I'm always down to show support especially if it's benefiting a good cause.

When I arrived I saw these people standing out interviewing celebs and others about the event. So I was like hmmm.... how could I get to interview... I went to use the bano and as I was walking there it came to me. Write a quick little rap for Fran about Cancer. So I did. I wrote it in like 5 mins. I told the woman doing the interviews that I rap and wrote a cancer rap... she was interested. Then FRAN shows up with ROSIE O'DONNELL. Camera's are flashin all over the place. Then it hit's me RAP to FRAN! I thought to myself "why not?" So as soon as she was done with the pics I got her attention and Bam! The camera was rolling and I introduced myself told her I wrote her a rap and started goin! Following the rap she told her Personal Assistant to get my # because she liked it and may want to use it. Cool!

Yep that happened... lol to me funny but surely possible! Well the show continued and was great. So many talented acts Olivia Newton John, Caitlin Crosby, Jackson Brown, Rosie, and More. The moral of the story is... "why not?" =)

Here's the Rap

Dang she did it
Fran is a winner
Better check yourself
cuz cancer could get ya
But don't be trippin
Pray for the livin
We can find a cure
In a day were given
So Ima keep givin
Money to the cause
Oh my God...
I think He's the answer
To helping us with cancer
I have hope to be fully frantastic
Let's make this happen
Call (818) 4 AN EXAM

Here are some pics and links to her website!



Friday, November 27, 2009

To everyone

I've come to realize
the real lies
come out
around this season
sad but what I'm feelin

I see everybody beggin and pleadin
hoping for a chance to fill their greed with
an overload of material things
it's like an animal is unleashed
when the doors are released
and everyone makes a mad dash
so they can save and have that

Yeah it feels good to save
but even better to be saved
knowing that all your riches and fulfillment
are found right here today
if you take a chance
listen to the fans
no need to wait in line
to race to your product
grace awaits you and so does a promise

Welcome to the table of plenty
no need to miss fill your heart, but feel empty
we are designed to love and be loved
to be honest God's love is the purest truest
so re-examine your wish list,
maybe what you really want is to feel happy
Jesus brought Joy to the World 2000 yrs ago but who's counting

I find myself more content with nothing
but the blood of the lamb
I'm covered with sacrifice
Yes, it's friday but you won't see me in Black
I'm a light in the dark
I'm White with sin gone
Not better than anyone
just trying to share
my revelation to everyone...

love is all you need

Friday, November 20, 2009

Give Me Your Heart

If you get lost

I got a cross

You can find me

I’ll try to take away

The pain inside thee

The pain inside me

Is due to the finding

Of you who winding

Down and denying

Me you maker

Please just stay here

Freeze for a moment (pause)

I love you....

Your heart I’m molding

But you let go when

You say no with

Choices, annoying

You can avoid it

See… sin is bound to invade

it’s never too late

I don’t hate

Instead pray, stay, and wait for you

No one, said it’d be easy

Please don’t tease me

But stop the bleeding

These nails are really

Hurting me being

Why not start believing

Receiving, Seeing

You will be persecuted

For my names sake

But, I’ll help you through it

No time to waste

Yep you can do it

And start today

Give me your heart

And I’ll renew your faith….

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Gone like
on foot
deep root
see you
think too
I see you
more like
I'm seeing you
you are
so still
heart guard
turned on
flipped switch
go hard
or go home
doesn't matter
you know
I'll visit
stop by
at times
pray by
pool side
eat in
kitchen light
sounds a
bout right
this is
as I
my mind
and spirit
I hope
you don't
mind you're
on my
mind for
I hope
to find
God through
your life!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm not you
But I see you
A tear streams
As you review
The past pains in the rearview
You just hope they will leave you
But it seems like their tatooed
So hArd to remove
Forgive to free you
But how can this be true?
How can you possibly,
HumAnly, stop the scene?
You can't...
So we, call upon, God to be
Our hero and saftey
He's in no maybe
He'll wash your plate clean
Ask him, "God Save Me!"
That's what he does best
I'm here to witness
Comfort in distress
Know you're a princess
no one can take that, away
the beauty, that seemed to fade
is simply a fake escape
now it'll disintegrate
God will just re-create
a new you right here Today
you just have to keep the faith
exercise amazing grace
I believe you'll be healed
forgiveness, revealed
but for now, be still
your season is here
Christ will appear
please don't have fear
He got the steer
No Icebergs
You're clear!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

For Me

I won't stand for it
If your not for me
You are not helping
All my glory is God's, I'm yelling
Inside cuz I'm frustrated
ticked off, I'm sick of always being
picked on
I neglect negativity
but you project negativity
I don't want to balance
I want to proceed
I want to move with speed
continue to believe
but the way you treat me
lacks in feelings
mine at least are ignored
like I am just a board
not human and more..
well... for me it's no more
like I said before
I won't stand for it
open is my door and... I'm walking with caution
but something is obvious
I am being challenged
I can accept it... move on and bless it
or I can reject it... let go and bless it
either way there will most def be blessings
but right now I don't deserve this
I'm through being nice at least until I can re-word this
please stand behind me
you don't know me
I'll see you when your for me
God please transform me!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

His name is...

Looks like he is still breathin
it's good but the reason
for his absence is still not pleasin
I don't know either
if and when he'll be there
but I pray for you two
and I know you'll need it
we all do because were broken and feedin
on the love of God until we can be it
not an easy task when our will is decievin
but it's part of the walk
we can't sit where he's seated
but wait I'm still pleading
that your heart... will be strong and beatin
but not beat-in
healed in a season
fluent your speakin
to the sound of love
while in spanish your reading
don't stop believing
we don't know why...
the times not right...
I'm sorry your sad
I am with you grieving
present when your eatin
away when your sleepin
cleaning when your dreamin
and prayin on the weekend
I have faith that he his not mean and
this will be settled in a couple weeks and
you will be better sheltered from your weakness
your heart made new and fresh as the spring is
mmmm I can smell it
but only God can tell it
I just try to capture it
say it not yell it
relay it not sell it
delay but dwell it
into real life because only Chirst can tell it
the way he want's to
rewrite as many times as he pleases
Just trust in him, his name is Jesus


Monday, September 14, 2009

...I had

Let's see who will arrive
Will they come with a smile or pain inside
Hmm... How are you looking?
Down at the ground?
Or up all around?
Do you care who you'll meet
Are we community?
One family with a God who's happy
When we praise him
Glorify his name with
Music, voices, choices
... Oh it's almost time to start
I think i'm ready At least
I really want to be
God you can go ahead
right in front of me

we are mid-way through
the gospel says,

Jesus asks, "who i am?"
they reply
"you are christ."
he says shh.....
don't be loud about it
I will suffer greatly
rejected, they'll hate me
but i will undoubted
be killed
then rise and thrill
after 3 days cuz all in His Will
still keep in faith
Pete if you got beef
stand behind me

Right like it's that easy
but he was God
and when he said "believe me"
I'm sure some did, most at least
and the words did speak
because I say, Jesus is my best friend
one who's there always till the end
so I'll keep bloggin even about mass
this was the experience today that I had

(St. Bernadine Church What uP!)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

God Made

Too much too soon
Maybe... Might have to phase out
Have to pace down
Times have changed now
No i'm not worried
Gods reasons aren't blurry
I'll walk by faith in the direction I'm going
I am no longer floating
More like wording... this carefully
Cuz I care fully
It's okay... I can take it
Don't worry about me
It's how God made me
Yes i'm gonna make it
See I completely understand
well actually I can't
cuz I'm not you... but I really am
just a different vers-ian
confused? nah it's truth, laugh
I'm glad things aren't perfect
but not that bad
take some time to rejuice
and when you come to
we can kick it
and I can go back to
the season of givin
so now I'll remain in my domain
otherwise know as the batcave
rapping and expressin these thoughts God made.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

...way back

We all go through seasons
some dry some bleeding
it's the unknown that's thrown
you to search for a beacon
of light so you can sit with Him and reside
watch the stars fly across the deep blue sky
but this dream seems to freeze
paused for a second until it falls into place
it's up to God's grace....
and mercy even though your hurting
things will get better although we are unworthy
humility will become you
be careful what you wish for
and all the others unlike you
you will have to fish for
no, it's not over
every detail's on a list for
how to be happy
don't drink tap water that's crappy
seek the true fountain
wait for the wisdom to pour out
probably the visions while your snore
will lead you to the source
lead you on your course
work hard but get comfy
because salvation coming
smile and relax
Jesus is on his way back!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hatred gets you

yeah... so if hatred gets in your way
then a disappointing taste comes into play
how to react is the question of the day
what move to make
do I ignore or fake
can't because it's still affecting me
so I have to take it, remind myself I didn't make it
the opposite of unity reclaims human dignity
don't let Him into your house
protect yourself with the might Name of....
I hope they repeat do it even more.
score I just found a clue that reminds me 9 days is through....
Intense prayer matters
It's a best friend connection
it helps to have a strong faith community
no mater what you do.... you can't give up
get back in it... If you don't.... who will
now go ahead the day is almost over

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New again

All good things work together to glorify God FOREVER
Better in a sense... a way that requires us to wait
it's going to be okay if we can be patient
the work is hard but the pleasure will be greater
I long to serve God like an angel
believe as long as the days go
we are in HIS Hand placed and made new
renewal is a great feeling too
so find that newness let God's love speak fluent
Remain in faith at the best level you can
that's what God asks
Don't settle be on the prowl to find, catch, and give praise to the LORD our GOD
Activate and turn Him on... you are loved... and there's more to come!


sorry I haven't blogged for a while... I'm back and will be posting and sharing the goodness God is providing in my life. pEACE

Friday, June 19, 2009

3Gs Launch King

I sometimes think humans like to challenge their own humanity. Push themselves as a way of displaying strength and endurance. Today, I challenged my own humanity, in fact many did across the U.S. What did we do? Stay up all night in order to purchase the new iPhone 3Gs!! Stores opened at 7am.

Here's the rundown. I left Apple work thursday night @ 9pm and spoke to some nice High School Students already camping out for the phone. I talked to them and told them I'd be back in the early morning after hanging in Hollywood with some friends. They said, "Hey we'll save you a spot!"... I didn't argue.

After an eventful LA evening and early morning I arrived in the Apple Parking Structure at 5am. Walked to the front of the line. And made friendly conversation with the dedicated iPhone Fans. Somehow we got on the topic of Confirmation.. and had a little Holy Spirit Lesson. ha ha

6:30am arrives and it was time to line up outside the store. The minutes are counting down and bam they start taking customers in one by one. I was number 5 in the store... However, I was the first one to complete the purchase process!! I made history! Very happy and some what delirious due to lack of sleep. First iPhone Phone call... MOM!

So, what I forgot to mention was that I was also scheduled to work from 1-10pm at Apple!! When home for about 3 hrs of sleep and got in the iPhone 3Gs Selling Zone! Met a bunch of great people. Some found it odd how I was more excited about the phone than the customers! One woman was named Lindy (funny because that's what I call my mother) was so kind and we really bonded over two iPhones. I was thankful for her kindness and she appreciated my Apple hospitality. I told her I'd blog about her and her new 3Gs! =)

The rest of the day was great, but really busy! Toward the end of the night I started running on reserve energy! It was like retreat style... fueled with positivity. My goal was to finish strong and I did just that. Due to my iPhone performance today my manager Toby deemed me the "Launch King". That meant a lot. Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

Going to sleep to refuel.

Attached pics: the Line (notice the dedication)/ Joe and Apple Specialist tommy after the first phone was sold! / Lindy and her Phone /

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rosary Rap is Spreading!

So Check this! 

I flew into San Antonio on Saturday to teach these amazing ACTS retreatants to pray/rap the Rosary.  It was sweet!! I think they liked it. However, tonight MONDAY JUNE 15 was the night of the UPPER ROOM ROSARY RAP CONCERT! (get it like the disciples in the Upper Room!) Okay, so I was praying it would go well and it went wayyyyy better!!

It all started about 40 mins before the show when this little girl Naomi and her bro Brian came in. They were siting in the front row. So I started talkin with them. Naomi said, "you're CD is in DVD # 4 in Our Car.. and I always tell my mom put on DVD #4." Then she starts bustin out "Hail Mary full of grace...!" I was like dang she's good!! She then says, "Yeah I can do it real fast!" I was amazed. Then I proceed to ask what music she likes... Hannah Montana? Jonas Brothers? She says, "You're better than them!" I start laughing... because the Jonas Brothers are good. Well, I told her I'd bring her up during the concert.... and I did!

So the show begins and we covered 3 main topics.
1) Going Further: not getting comfortable in your faith but going further. Pushing yourself to own your faith. Constantly grow and go further.
2) Lock IN on God: the become focused on God and Lock into your hearts desires. Let faith take you and work to dedicate your energy to one thing at a time. For example I'm going to Lock IN to service work. So I work tirelessly to serve in every way I know not slacking off but using all my resources to make it happen! 
3) Divine Connections: Knowing that God goes before you and makes crooked places straight and rough edges smooth. God will provide you with divine connections if you believe. I told my American Idol (full story found in blog "Idolize") story and how God continues to provide divine connections. 

Not to mention we rapped the Rosary. I debuted a new song "WOMAN LIKE YOU"... I had about 5 back up dancers doing a little 2 step during the song. It made the song really cool. I also played couple remixes too! I think they were vibe-N.  However, I still hadn't fully used my secret weapon "Naomi"!! So I said, "I need two volunteers to close the show... Naomi (age 6) of course jumped up and so did my good friend Michelle Dieasi (age 25). The first question I ask Naomi is "What is your favorite track on the CD?" She responds with the incredible phrase, "All of them!" LOL (what a perfect answer).  So she rapped the Ascension rap with Michelle.... she actually out Rapped Michelle to a degree (michelle- I think you are still very talented) ... everyone was in such awe of her ability to rap every lyric perfectly!!! I was so thankful and jammin and laughin! Soo... I came to the conclusion that Rosary Rap is spreading! By the way guess what Naomi's last name was... ROSARIO (Spanish for Rosary) Coincidence? 

Stay blessed! 

Here's a Pic of Naomi and I! (I'm diggin the Hello Kitty Shirt)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Not created or destroyed 
Never made or void
a voice lives on
it carries on long....
forever and it's a blessing
a presences not resting 
on anything but every one 
this energy is nevergone
it never dies 
use it 
please don't abuse it 
smile this time with a positive stride 
get that energy moving 
we are the movement! 

This blog was inspired by the Black Eyed Peas New Album THE E.N.D.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Paid in Full

retail can fail 
to be a proper portrayal 
of how the world should be 
we lose focus you and focus on me 
"this is what I want.." 
possessing it seems 
but see the real blessing 
is when we give to receive 
everything we have is given to bring
happiness to those who have nothing 
and that's when I real-ized  one thing 
right, teaching into students' lives 
is just what that requires 
a selfless step into into nur-tur-ing 
assisting on the mission 
learning with a vision 
every class is different 
but you know we gotta get it!
LOCKED... to a focused mind frame 
IN... to the reason I came  
To...  dreams to attain 
The... path's a blazed 
Journey...  don't worry bout a thing!
with all that I have I want them to see 
that unfinished works are revealed slowly
but the lessons have begun to take root surely 
for much trust lingered in that room early 
eager to consume hope to improve 
gone is doom 
we are way past that 
so far in fact 
that we react with 
an attitude to passion 
we are alive and fine! 

Wait I got caught up in the experience
see when I think about my students 
I have no fear but cheer for them
and they support me
the harvest is coming and we will all feast 
price doesn't matter no time to even ask
money isn't an issue when you receive the commands 
love you neighbor as your self 
and God with your whole self 
then you are paid with a grace that's felt 
and then you are made to embrace HIS wealth 
I am paid in full when and got a story to tell... 
you reap what you sow in a spiritual realm 
I'm a lucky COJO(1) cuz my kids did well!
The crossed the stage and not one of them fell. 
But if they did I'm here to help 

Work to serve... then you will learn 
there's no greater feeling of having purpose and worth

(1)COJO- companion on the journey
(this poem is dedicated to the Journey into Adult Faith Graduates of 2009)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Look the lights are bright as the stars in the sky
and the talent here is somewhat divine
and the hype isn't light
in fact millions watch every night!
and I scratch my head and think
and the voices scream all around me
they sing and it's sounding
good but not quite Godly
We are all of God but human
and doin our best, blessed
However, when we we can't get lost
or consumed inside, begin to idolize
someone who is not God
Yeah I'm a fan but have balance in my plan
So realize the blessings God provides
and give praise for his grace
but watch out and don't fade
into a fanatic overreaction
realize you are made
good and you should continue to grow into
your into your potential... now that's a show!

I apologize for not blogging more often. However, great things are happening and I'd like to share and testify a bit. First, this past weekend I helped out on a music video for and upcoming rapper, Benny Cassette. It was a lot of fun and exciting to see the ideas and concepts behind a music vid. Then there was Chaminade Prom. I was chaperoning and dance patrol. I made sure people were dancing and if they weren't I'd give them some pointers. Incredible night and the Post Prom was insane! The school invested so much into this after prom party were they had everything from poker tables, to a money tank, but life size bowling, and of course pop a shot. (I won 30 games in a row!) On Sunday I worked at Apple. Met a woman named Hope. Gave me a boost knowing Hope exists... I knew it did. After Apple work I went to a Confirmation for a Middle School Student I was sponsoring. Beautiful to see God grace in action.

This morning I woke up to the news of a death rapper "Dolla" he was signed to AKON's Label. Didn't know him too well but listened to a track where he prophesied about his death. He said it... and it happened. Well,
I said something that happened as well. Last week I said, "I was going to be at the American Idol finale." Today in class I found out that my student, Sam, had 4 tickets to tonight idol finale show!... We left school a bit early with permission from parents and drove down to the Nokia theatre. It was Me, Sam Leon, Colby Hurst, and Amir Farry (all three are my students). We get our tickets and we are IN! Wow... just to see the sights of the massive Nokia Theatre and the amazing American Idol set up.

Once we arrived at our seats Sam disappeared. 5 mins later he's by the stage!! We take off weaving in and out of security and make it to the front. I started talking to a woman in charge to see if it was possible to stand in the pit area right in front of the stage. She said no... As I continued talking to some of the fans. She walks up to me and says I felt like being nice today and hands me a pass! I'm In!! Watched the entire show 3 feet from the stage. The judges were right behind me. I spoke to Randy Jackson and asked if he turned his swagg on this morning... he said yeah dawg! Meanwhile, Sam became a seat filler in the front seating area, and Colby and Amir had to go back to our original seats. The hype was crazy and both Kris and Adam did a swell Job. Carrie Underwood rocked as well.

However, I came to a realization while being there. The whole Idol concept really came to life. I noticed people were so consumed by these performers. The truly idolized them! It made me think about idols... we aren't supposed to have any... except God. I almost felt as though some of these fans around me in the pit lost themselves in their desire to scream and connect with the artist. It would be soooo amazing if we gave God praise just like they praise the Idol Finalists. As much as I love the spotlight and performing... I don't want to be an Idol. I want what I do to give God glory only!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Overcome the Silence

"Shhh... be quiet
Don't move me I'm silent
I will praise you lord
but not if it requires 
me to sing out
Sing loud
Ahhhhh I'm get uncomfortable
Anyway God loves me now
I came to listen and receive
But am I a vessel of his peace?
I only shake hand when we give the sign of peace 
I have a fake smile 
I judge people quietly 
When the priest speaks... it's just so tiring
I want to believe 
I think I do.. What's my favorite scripture... 
I'm really not sure 
I like this
one hr a week and I'm a disciple 
yes... I know what I might do
nothing.. unless I have to 
oh it's time to eat I really am hungry... "

No longer can I stand it
Vocally we are weak
We don't speak
How do we contribute to a world in need?
Financially... Okay
But where's the community?
Where's the excitement
Right now I see a frightening future
If the end us coming
Would Jesus want to celebrate in a home that lacks so much life?
Would he appreciate our refrain?

Don't know but I have a recommendation
Step outside your box
Praise to unlock
Who you are
Who you were made to be
Now do you want to be silent I'd sing?

This blog was written as I sat in Mass this morning... It was Mother's Day and the entire congregation seemed lifeless. No one sang, it was boring, and somewhat dull. Church isn't supposed to be entertaining, but it helps when you try to make it an enjoyable experience. I was thinking "Would God even want to go to church here?" Honestly, If we are trying to build His kingdom everyday show some enthusiasm.  We need to bring energy to the Lord and inspire his people. Today, the pastor at the Hip Hop Service, I went to (post mass) spoke on "Where are all the Christians?". Church isn't packed, some people aren't dedicated, they fall away, and it's because they can't say, "Yes" and be all in! It's not follow me sometimes.. it's all the time.  I want so badly for people who have never experienced God to get connected and follow through as a disciple. That's what's on my heart right now. 

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Oh Father I am thankful for your ability to provide joy while I embrace your holy noise
See.. my heart is open wide... enough to sense you through my sickness
to experience your gifts through my weakness and realize it's realness 

It's realness that grows us... it is our born nature
yes we stray due to misunderstood behavior 
Uhh... huh we get distracted 
but let's slow it down a bit 
let's go back to basics 

take out a mirror
tell me what you see 
without your style, haircut, or jewelry 
do you see you are a child
of the most high king? 

Forget the hype 
He likes the raw kind 
kids that are straight up walking truth 
that bleed love 
and they listen good 
their talents are outstanding 
but the only reason they are standing 
is because the hand of God surrounds them

Find union in the divided 
don't give up on trying 
detoxify your mind 
and release positive thoughts, kind

See we are who we are because God is who He is
so let us see each other be honest and live 
yeah, it's a journey... for me it's letting go 
it's using worship as my fuel 
I want to be raw... to the core of my being 
reaching a peak where God and I can be 
I will work in Him and He will work in me 
we will be a team and proceed on our journey 
I will get there... I want to 

God I'm thankful for all that you are... 
Cleanse my heart 
Lead me to your kingdom
You are my Delight.

This week has been a rough week... mostly because I've been a bit sick. When your half a person... it's hard to act like you have full life. Anyhow, today was a great day.  There are times in my life when I really feel God delighting in my joy. He does certain things that may be small... but are huge in my mind.  Today, he brought one of my favorite female Christian Artists to Moorpark (30 mins from me!). Bethany Dillon released her first album at age 16. God has touched me through Bethany's music in some interesting ways. Allow me to explain:

1) I first saw her open for Matthew West, also a Christian Artist,  in San Antonio 5 years ago. The concert was sold out, packed, and they locked the doors. I asked to get in to use the restroom... I did... and all of a sudden this really young usher says to me, "Are you looking for a seat?... Follow me". He brought me right to the front and BAM! there I was!! Bethany was playing and I was thinking "who is this girl?... Her voice is incredible!! Her lyrics deep and full of faith." I became a fan instantly. I'd pray her music on the way to school and started incorporating tracks into our youth retreats. Bethany lyrics touched a lot of people....

2) Flash foward 2 years. I'm a sophomore in college at Chaminade University in Hawaii.  My roommate and I had devised this plan to run around the island in 6 days to raise money for impoverished children and spread awareness for physical fitness. It was a couple days before we were scheduled to begin our run and everything seemed to be going wrong. I was in desperate need of a sign to keep going. I remember sitting in my friends car praying "God do you really want us to do this?".  I had just purchased Bethany's 2nd CD Imagination and it was playing in the background as I prayed. Then these lyrics jumped out at me and I had to replay the song.... they said 

When there's nothing to believe in, I belive in you
Forget the past and let my hand in yours be the proof
Though the strong could be my company, you're the one I choose
So remember, I believe in you

I immediately knew that God believed in me and that's what mattered. I could doubt myself all I wanted... but God believed in me! We completed the run, but it was that song that gave me confirmation!

3) I use Pandora ( it's a website where you can create your own radio station based on a song or artist you like. I was listening to my Bethany Dillon station... good stuff as usual... I thought to myself "I wonder what Bethany is up to?" I pulled up her home page and BAM! I found out she was performing in California this Friday!  What are the chances... she could be anywhere in the world and she was 30 mins from where I live!  Even though that my not seem like the most exciting story I knew God wanted to delight in my joy of praising Him at Bethany's Concert. 

She had a lot of great things to say and please continue to pray for her and her ministry. The pic above is me and Bethany... I told her to strike her rapper pose... not bad.