Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Give up what?

Turn away from sin
follow the gospel 
and when you follow 
be ready for tomorrow
this means work to be alert
and try to absorb 
as much as you can from God's word
word! I agree 
but it's difficult and bent 
in and out of shape 
changed, translated 
made new in a way 
and we always try to turn away 
it's just not easy when 
we have temptation
lurking just around the corner
the darkness lingers and often tries to reel me in
not, can't do it...
it's like trying to con-vince 
me that Batman hates justice
and that's just it 
when you know the truth 
it's hard to be tricked 
But you see... God gave me patience
and he gave me patients
though I'm not a Doctor
I strive to help 
so may different people 
on many different levels
I'm always working...
add additonal service 
that's right bring it!
I want it. I can take it.
I'm much rather grow stronger 
by adding to my plate 
thank giving up soda
or not eating meat
embrace sacrifice
remain steadfast in prayer 
but don't give up unless 
your a part-time player. 

Lent, has arrived. This poem was inspired by the message mentioned as everyone received ashes. Turn away from sin and follow the Gospel.  Sometimes it's hard to always follow. But when you understand the truth of God it's hard to bring you out of it. I end this poem with some food for thought. Don't give up stuff for lent if it doesn't have meaning to you. God want's full time dedication and enhancement of discipleship. Don't get all ashy because you have to... play the role of a disciple full time and the desire to give up your own life... will come. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Overcome Defeat

we are running out of time
and the fact that we are running 
has got to mean somethin'
every second counts 
every bounce is like pound 
we had 4.1 seconds to make it touch down 
in the bottom of the net 
can it be done? sure, I bet 
maybe but this isn't the NBA see...
but the way we played 
seems like we were in our own league
yes we had a huge lead 
but we are only human 
and at times lose intensity 
so I try to motivate the white sea
wave to rattle the cage and disrupt peace
and of course I prayed more than couple hail marys
but this time was scary, I knew we could do it...
I just didn't think it would happen
it seemed like slow motion 
as the ball started floatin 
the first shot missed 
but the second one didn't 
we did it!
A "W" we couldn't undo 
then the cage became loose 
and made a lot of sound too
we won at home
and know I know
victory is sweet when you overcome defeat!

Today I witnessed an amazing boys varsity basketball game at Chaminade. There were 4.1 seconds left and we were down by one. We inbounded the ball... lobbed it down the court... caught it... shot it... didn't go in... got the rebound just in the nick of time, shot it, and won it. This poem is dedicated to the victory of the Chaminade Boys Varsity Bball team. I was praying between every play... needless to say God gave us strength. 

Monday, February 23, 2009


It seems like it's just over the horizon
our dreams should just keep on thriving
but everyday may not be so sunny 
the happiness may not keep on coming 
if that's the case 
and our plans erased 
and our paths replaced 
then we can still seek something
the eye sight of heaven 
is beyond measure 
on small blink 
and there's a change in direction
but how do we adapt 
react so we don't relapse 
fall back and down 
the earth we walk is not untraveled ground
necessary... actually essential 
if we want to go further 
meet the son 
and receive our potential

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Speak Life

I speak life over death
in any situation 
I find myself blessed  
because I believe with my mind 
and it's hard sometimes
but when I realize 
I can execute the right 
my thoughts must be changed 
if I want to rearrange 
re-invent myself to achieve a better self
in order to maintain 
an image of growth
I must know and meditate on
the words God wrote
let them be the anthem of my soul
and this takes time 
I may grow old 
for what I think I am 
I will become  
for he who reads it 
also may run 
setting the standard 
with my very own mission 
I must be open to listen 
deny my wrong doings 
and reinvent God's vision
every second counts.

Speaking life over speaking death is essential in all the things we do. If we have a negative approach like "I'm never going to get promoted or I'm not smart so I can't get an A" we are speaking death and doubt into our situation. When we speak life we believe it is possible. We have an outlook of success and readiness. Today, at In His Presence Church, the pastor spoke about having the right mind frame. (I attend an hip hop praise service on Sundays called IHP underground where they rap, dance, and preach the good word. You can speak it but you must believe it mentally. I do find myself not always speaking life into every situation. Joshua 1:8 says "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful". Meditating on the word means we become it. We say it over and over so it is a part of who we are. Our mind must be stimulated. If we say it but don't believe it with our heart... it becomes almost invalid and worthless. There must be energy in our mediation.  Proverbs 23:7 says, "For he thinks in his heart, so he is". If we don't remain true to our heart then what are we? Who will we become? I pray today that God my bless us into taking steps day by day to mediate on his word and speak life into every situation. 

In the background

Not altered
Simply present 
Understood with hands outstretched
Work manifests
the rest continues 
as the background 
observes progress

Saturday February 21st was a productive but exhausting day. It started at 5:45 am when I woke up to take 4 amazing Chaminade High School Students down to the "Catholic Worker" (A food kitchen for the homeless) in Los Angeles. Surprisingly, the students were all early and awake! When we arrived we started preparing for the meals to be served. This part wasn't bad at all, except the cutting/chopping of 30 onions literally whipped out our whole volunteer staff because the were crying. =) We survived though. The Catholic Worker Team prayed before and after the preparation. Our fearless leader Faustino said something like, "We believe Jesus will be coming through the line today so let us smile and greet Him with a warm Hello". I do often think about how jesus will approach you through other people. I was then asked to be on the front lines serving carrots and onions, stationed outside in the little patio eating area. 
As impoverished humanity walked through the line I did my best to provide energy and hospitality as I served onions and carrots. 10-15 minutes in... I noticed a small mary statue in the background. She was behind all those eating and hidden/ but visible if you looked for her. The symbolism spoke to me. Mary was ever present watching her beautiful children. Yet she was in the background allowing God's work to thrive as she extends her hands with a warm welcome into prayer. As I served I thought about how we should strive to lead God's people but sometimes stand back and let the workers work.  I often remember as a kid, my mom watching me play basketball outside, while preparing dinner. Whenever I'd make an amazing shot I'd glance over to see if she was watching. She was in the background full of pride and excitement for her son. When I would catch her watching me I felt as though if I received her approval and support I could do anything! Mary is the same way. She wants us to Do. She has done her part in raising her children. Now it is time to be almost invisible in the background and let the prior work evolve.
Being the Batman fan that I am. I'd like to quote a review I read over the summer describing the role of the Joker. It read, "Heath Ledger did so much give a performance but disappeared completely into the role". We too should strive to do ministry so well that we disappear into the role of a disciple.  A disciple that serves, believes, and watches intently with a heart of compassion. We too must be in the front lines but know when to stand back and serve behind the scenes.  This is a process, but Mary mastered it. I pray that we may learn by her example. 
As the day continued. I went to work at apple, had a huge dinner. While I was eating i thought to myself. I have the privilege of eating this great food... and so many just eat anything to survive. We are all united in hunger but not always united in being fed. Well, I became full after eating half of my chicken, rice, and glass noodles. I didn't want to waste the food especially after working at the Catholic Worker. 2 seconds later this young man who seemed in need, comes up and asks me for money to buy a meal. I said would you like the rest of my dinner. He said sure... and that was that. 
After work I  proceeded to chaperone the Chaminade High School Winter Formal. This was an amazing event put on by Student Council and their guide and Mary figure, Julie Labelle. I assisted in helping three wonderful mothers with the Coat Check. The Mom's appreciated my help but encouraged me to go out, dance, and socialize with the students. They said, "We are moms... this is what we do." They serve in the background while their kids live it up on the dance floor. They appreciate the opportunity to be close to their children. They were in the background. I did end up walking around, dancing, re-filling the water, and I eating a few complimentary cookies. However, I had a better understanding of what it means to be and serve in the background. 

The following pics are from the catholic worker. Notice Mary in the background.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Understanding Weakness

Nobody likes it 
I get 
thrown off 
to a degree 
in my mentality 

But wait all that I am is great
My creator doesn't make waste 

So I must handle what is said or done 
with a grain of sand 
understand my weakness is not what I'll become 
what I do defines me 
the potential inside is hot and rising
so I can't give up our doubt myself

Just realize who I am 
what I'm good at 
what I can work on 
to stay on the right path

Stand in front of  the mirror 
gazing with a true heart 
today could be a new start 
who you are 
and what to do 
will soon become clear

When I was a kid I used to get teased because of my bad jokes. My friends would always say "no Joe.. no Joe" and shake their finger at me when I cracked a joke. I accepted that joke telling wasn't my talent but I didn't let it affect my self esteem. However, any rejection can hurt. 
Today, I was helping to DJ/ MC a Birthday Party with my friend Rick. There were a bunch of 11 year olds girls ready to have a great time. Of course we made sure they had fun. Throughout the night I would teach them different dance moves. However, there were these two girls who kept making fun of my dancing abilities. They began to mock me to a degree. Even though they were 11 years old and dancing is one of my talents... I still was a little thrown off by that. Not upset, but disheartened. I questioned myself to a degree. A similar situation occurred a couple nights ago at a Freshman Retreat. I was freestyling for the kids during their break and one student kept making fun of my raps and looked at me with a demeaning glare. It affected me in the moment. 
People can say and do hurtful things. It happens every day. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Affirmations truly help to affirm the gifts we do have. In order to constantly improve we must be true to ourselves. Look in the mirror and evaluate who we are becoming and what we want to strengthen. Maybe we are content just the way you are. That's great. Being true to yourself allows confidence and honesty to seep into your being. I am aware I have talent even though I my not be the best rapper or dancer alive. I've improved and cultivated my gifts over the years. Yet, when we let what other say affect us even if it's not exactly true... well we are letting them define us. There is a great quote from one of my favorite movies Batman Begins and it says "It's no who you are underneath... it's what you do that defines you". If we have this potential underneath, maybe a weakness that can be strengthened we should work on it. Activate it so we can reach our full potential as human beings. Our actions will then define use. The are our steps on the journey. 
I have learned that negativity will occur. People will put you down. You will find others that don't believe in you and see your gifts and God given abilities, but we must know that the Creator of the universe believes in us. If God believes in us, how can we doubt ourselves or let others tell us who we are and who we aren't? Understanding weakness requires an honest heart, focused and dedicated. It's okay to be weak, just be true to yourself. Work forward and grasp the concept that God believes in you even when you don't believe in yourself. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Set Out

quick with obedience 
hand raised to say 
I know who you are
You are the living God 

God's son

Beautiful, absorb it 
when it is processed 
you can afford it 
because the debt in blindness 
has been paid though kindness 
sacrifice  added still in God's likeness

Now when it's done
it's time to set out 

build a church on a rock 
and the rock could be you 
if we trust in God 
then our worries are few

when he creates... he makes no mistakes 

Mind placed with 
a station to process spiritual information
even young you can be God's Agent
all it take is a little confirmation 
belief that God is fulfilling the vacant
lives with his love which always thrives 
All the time. 


Good you got it, now just stay with it
When you hear him, listen 
Set out together to accomplish your mission
Be strong, take heart, receive Gods Vision.

Today was the 7th Grade retreat at Chaminade Middle School. I helped facilitate a small group and run the skits. It was a spiritually productive time. The theme was "Who do you say that I am?" my previous blog "I am.." plays off this concept. However, I was touched by the way the gospel reading was presented today. When Jesus asks the disciples this question Simon Peter responds immediately with "You are the Christ, Son of the Living God". There was no hesitation in fact Simon Peter almost snaps back with his answer. When people ask us who jesus is what is our response? How quickly to we reply? Do we need time to think? I admire the attitude of acceptance and belief that Simon Peter had. In class he would probably be the first to raise his hand... attentive and ready to go. Not only this but Jesus tell Peter that the church will be built on and through him. I find that jesus looks for those who believe in him and then uses them BIG TIME! So As we pass through our journey in life think about our response. It's not about what others say it's about what you say and believe. 

The small group I helped facilitate was very advanced from a faith perspective. We all came up with concrete ways to help others in our Chaminade community, reflected on the effectiveness of Jesus and the Legacy he left behind, and pondered how we could befriend one another everyday leaving behind a legacy of goodness. I was so impressed with the thoughts that were coming from these students. It seemed like they understood prayer, their own gifts and talents and how to use what they have to glorify God. My eyes were opened today to realize there is so much hope in the youth. Many people give the youth a bad rep because of all the negativity in the media. But the youth today is the Church tomorrow. 

I pray that we can set out on Christ's Journey. Set out unaware of what Christ will bring but the openness to accept his will. Each day we should begin by saying "God I don't know where you will take me... but I'm open and ready to go". So now let us set out on this road, with a bold attitude of readiness. You must walk the path but God will guide your steps. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am...

Some call me king
some call me man
I am understanin' 
no matter what the case 
your sins I'm handlin' 
the fight i'm battlin'

and I can manage it
nothing is too damagin'
beyond reason to fix 
my heart beat always ticks
for you to receive my bliss 

I wish you could see this
how my love is beyond
the underwater abyss 
though it's dark and mixed
with good and bad 
the bad will be dissed
and we are left with... 

You are in me and I am in you
When you say who I am 
you really describe you
but yes I am truth
so I will set you free 
for everything you do is done through me

I am like and extension of self 
however when you act in my name 
I become your help 
I am attached to you 
you are a part of my heart 
I am proud of you 
because your work is hard

I am the commissioner 
the great listener 
the provider 
the fuel for your lighter 
I am your net to catch you when you fall
I work purely to protect you and all 
No matter where you go 
don't worry about a thing 
your future is safe 
when you choose to come with me

I am the leader 
even though I follow you 
I am still king 
even though I honor you
the lesson I sing 
is that you may be freed
to see me as I am 
with the word BELIEVE

Who do we say God is? Well we must get inside his head. Try to think like he would. His thoughts are far more advanced but He is our father, He probably thinks like a dad. Today, I tried to grasp the concept of God being my fuel. Often times I don't get enough sleep, or I push myself to serve God knowing he will provide for me. I count on him just like he counts on me. If he is always there to help... why can I always be there to support him?  

I've come to see God likes our imperfections. They are reminders that we are human like his son. But we are always looking at our imperfections as bad. If we embrace them... there is beauty in that. We are not bad. We should celebrate our goodness. Try to be the best you but don't get caught up in a mistake. Learn and move. The days are going by fast. We are growing up and there is no more time to waste.  Laziness can overtake us but we must be disciplined. Dedicated to our position as a disciple. We are commissioned by the great I AM. Who who do you say that God is? Always remember you are one of his kids. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Make Your Own

Let's stay original 
everything you do 
shouldn't be done 
just to imitate 
just to replay

Yes, we have examples 
role models to follow 
it's all good, but it's best if you swallow 
your pride and dive 
deep into a search 
of creating your own belief.. it's work

Make it your own 
never stop goin'
until your content
with the place you call home 

where you reside 
down inside 
connect with your soul
a spiritual vibe 

When you create your own brand 
you stand for something 
you won't fall for anything 
instead have some substance
value which is rooted out of confusion
truth is something beautiful when uprooted 

Define yourself 
The lord is your help
always there to provide inspiration
to develop dedication 
to understand his plan for your salvation 

Become your faith 
and it will become you 
own it and wear it all the time like 
a scar or tatoo
raw in meaning 
don't stop believing 
but if you must 
trust that God is never leaving 
you are not alone

In my process of discovery I have found we don't have a boring God. Our God is so creative in nature. The way he functions and thinks is definitely special and different. He thrives working with a diverse production plant... cranking out no two human that are exactly alike. We have similarities but our character, perspective, and even body type is different. If God has this "think different/ be constantly creative" mentality, why don't we? 
As a Catholic I find myself getting in a routine of mass, certain types of prayer, traditional responses and such. I value these element of my faith, but I need to own my faith if I want the root of believe to be planted. And if I want my belief to grow I must nourish it through what I feed it and provide for it. A lot of what you take in around you will affect what you let out. When taking in God we must let out a new God through us. We can't just let it be the same all the time... because God is different to all people. His personal relationship has allowed this to be possible. 
When we do this and create our own brand we start to design our faith life. Before you know it we will be living in it and know everything about it because it was an experience of self.  You created it... you know what it takes... you know everything about your experience. It is a part of you. I believe God wants our faith to be more than a sunday mass and a night time prayer he wants to be an integral part of our lives. He wants us to recreate him for the world to see. What that brings is peace and fulfillment. I just spoke to a young woman today who had mentioned she was raised Catholic, but hadn't been to church in a while. She went a couple weeks ago and things have just been going great in her life since. She said it sounded "cliche", but I believe God does that. When you go to him it means more than if you attend a service. Your intention to come closer empowers God to work within you. It's a beautiful thing. By no means am I discounting Church, but don't let it define your faith. Let it assist in enhancing your perspective and growth into God. With that being said God never leaves you, but let's you roam His earth. If you ever need him, call him. He will be present in your desire to believe. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Destined To Be Connected

We are only human 
and limited by our humanity 
but free in God's expression
it's a matter of perspective

What is our meaning,
purpose and mission?
what does God want? 
Who is he or she? 

I don't understand, so I must go
search the earth to find substance 
value, reason...
to be fulfilled and content while I'm breathin'

As I journey, well... I don't know what will happen
what I'm seeking.. I hope it will find me  
I want my destiny to connect with me 
whatever it may be... I want to see

I want to go further
reach another level 
I desire to go higher 
progress and not rest...

until I rest in the contentment 
of understanding, 
I find meaning through the music of my heart
the beauty's never dark... or is it? 

the clock is ticking 
I must be efficient 
before I go I wish you could come with me...

Today I met a woman at the Apple store who was buying an iPod for her mother. Tomorrow her mother turns 70. Getting older isn't an easy thing to do however, most 70 year-olds have a family party, dance a little, eat, and before you know it bedtime has arrived. Well, I learned that this 70 year old woman is going to Africa by herself for 2 months. Submerging herself into African poverty in the search of meaning in life. 
The daughter said she is going because she want's to know what's out there... she wants clarity and truth. She is seeking a connection with her destiny, her mission and meaning.  At first I thought she must be some kind of Saint, but no she is just like us... but she actively wants to explore and Journey into Faith even at an old age. 
I was truly blown away and it made me realize... the journey never stops. God works in peoples lives at different times and any sacrifice or effort we make to come closer to him is such a treat. God delights in our search to find him. Our process of discovery. The poem above explains some of the thoughts this amazing 70 year old woman might be thinking. At the end it says, "I wish you could come with me"... we should bring people to journey along with us, but we must also realize sometimes God wants to find us one person at a time. Like hide and go seek. If we hide together it spoils the fun. When God finds us one at a time he is able to touch us personally, smile and have quality time to understand who we are. Alone our true character is shown. Yes, we are all companions on the journey, and we do seek truth together but we must be bold and walk into the unknown even if it is by ourself. 
I believe we were destined to be connected to God. God is the missing piece. He completes us and we are made whole. When we connect with God a new self emerges. Not a changed self just new and somewhat reinvented. This self comes complete with a God mind, a God heart, and a God body. We had these all along but the connection activates them into life.
Powerful stuff, it takes effort. We must grow into it. Ease into the heart of God. Be strong as a community of seekers and develop a personal relationship even if it means traveling to distant places to find truth in midst of poverty. God is at the core of everything. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Man Behind the Music

You never know when 
God sends his presence 
who is Jesus in the crowd that's present 

Do we even let him? 
Maybe he tries 
but we deny with our closed eyes

No, not all though 
I have hope 
I know quite a few that see the clear truth 

The truth isn't limited purely by sight
it contains all senses
so we must respect them
everyone no matter what they look like
how they act 
they could be Jesus 
just wearing a mask 
are you willing to receive them? 

Aside from youth ministry at Chaminade College Preparatory, I work as a part time Specialist for the Apple Store. I meet so many great customers and today I started something new. Before I left the break room, to head to the Sales Floor, I said a quick prayer that God would bless all my customers and allow me to meet and build new relationships with them. Well, I met some awesome people. 

One customer from San Diego showed me some amazing apps on his iPhone. Before I ended the sale, I mentioned to him, his wife, and daughter that I did Christian Rap... they though it was cool... and then they continued shopping and left the store. 15 minutes later the Dad came back and started talking with me about my faith and mentioned he is a big fan of the Joel Osteen Podcasts. I too am a fan of Joel and show his podcasts in class. He said that Joel's insights nourish him and give him spiritual energy which he must use to help spiritually feed others. I found this to be amazing. Yes, it is our duty to take what we learn about our faith and share it with others. We are a family, a team, walking on the road of life together. If we can pool our resources and knowledge then imagine where we will go! I was thankful for this conversation and inspired. 

Another customer was purchasing OSX Leopard (the latest Mac operating system). He was a tall white man with curly hair sticking out of his black beanie. I asked him what kind of music he produced and he said, "Rap". I then asked if he had produced any songs I might now... he proceeds to ask me if I knew "Hypnotize" by Notorious B.I.G.! I was in utter amazement that this man was the man behind the music of "Hypnotize". We then talked for about 10 mins about Biggie, Rap, and the source of inspiration. He asked my why I listen to Biggie and 2Pac and still do Christian Rap. I told him that Notorious B.I.G. said only rap about what's real to you. God is real to me so that's what I rap about. I appreciate the freedom of expression that rap contains. There are no limits. You create your own boundaries.  The same applies to our life as a Christian. We have free will which allows us to control our lives. We can soar as high as we want with God if we choose to. However, we can also limit our faith to fit inside of church or what we learn in a classroom. Our faith values these tools, but is so far beyond. We have a God that has put a ball of fire in the sky that has been burning for thousands of years... it's probably won't go out anytime soon. Did the sun know it would burn for so long? Probably not. Do we know how far we can go into God's love? No... so let's keep going. 

The poem above is about being blinded not only be limitations, but by classification. I had no idea this tall white man would have made such a legendary beat. But he did. We never know when Jesus is going to show up and show us something we couldn't imagine. So we must do our best to expect the unexpected and be ready. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Release

Let us begin 
with the origin 
the root of and cause of it
as we trace it we find a trail
so clear as the sky clears 
and the light is so bright that 
you yourself disappear 

don't know what to fear 
or even how to feel 
engulfed by the everlasting 
swallowed by God's heart 
it takes a little searching 
a little under-earthing 

but now is the fun part 
a realizing of love part 
the thought that God is 
the ocean of intimacy 
the generator of butterflies 
that continues through the years 

Love we can't explain it
instead we embrace it
No matter what's has happened
good or bad 
everything can be undone
because of the fact that 
God's love is never overcome. 

Reflecting on Valentines Day, I find that some people are lonely for not having someone to love or cling to. I believe we all have this initial desire inside, implanted by God, to love and be loved by others. Being alone isn't natural. We were made to co-exist. Yet sometimes we get caught up in not realizing that God is the source and summit of all love. He is the generator and provider. Any love we feel for someone comes from God. In understanding this... well we just have to be ready. Ready for when God will send someone in our life. To also realize that if you are in a relationship, with God at the center... your love will over flow.  

I love the concept of being able to erase. To start over with a clean slate. I have noticed for those who commit crimes or are incarcerated they are stained by our government system... forever. Your mistake in the past affect all of your future. God's love is quite the contrary. Mistakes are overridden and replaced with forgiveness. This is why I encourage all who have trust issues, fear, or even excuses about finding love to erase the past pain. Let it only build character, but not stain your consciousness. No love is greater.. than a Father who would send his son knowing he would endure great suffering and die. We all walk this path, but we will one day be engulfed by the everlasting love of God.