Friday, December 25, 2009


Hello, seasons greetings from a house that's leaking with people
I don't fully understand it why today the steeple
Seems to be on overload
Grown to max capacity
Is it inspired from a hunger inside?
That all these children want to be close to Christ
Maybe maybe not
Possibly God's in luck to have their attention for the night
But faith is a little more than one time at church
I'm not one to judge so I'll use kind words
Why just now... Why not always?
Sure it's a birthday celebration
But look God gave
his body to remember his invitation
to do as he did & pursue
Not leave him
If we are in pursuit
Then why don't we please him
The church was made to bring us closer to him
Unite us to commune in
Sacred space to consume him
Through communion
Praise him with song
A sound that truly goes on and on

But okay i'm excited God's home is packed
but I really hope we are on the right path
When the end comes there could be aftermath
Jesus might say, "why didn't you come back?
It was my birthday and yeah that's that...
But i'm here every week and You i'd really love to see...
You are special to me more than you can even think...
Please know that as you sit on your seat...
Pondering the next time we will pray and meet...
I am in your heart and activated with peace...
Surrender with ease... I'll take care of you... But please don't freeze.
The world is cold and you can lose control.
But if you reach out I have a strong hold and I won't let you go...
So you can't go far.. I am with the shinning star.
Now You know how to find me whereever you are!
Okay we good? Sure hope so...
If you didn't then now you know. Hope to see you around my beautiful child!"

There you have it
These are the matters
that are hopeful but distractin
What is the driving force behind the action of coming to church on Christmas is what i'm askin
Is really Jesus? Tradition? Or a mark to your checklist? All glory to God everyday is a lesson!



Sunday, December 13, 2009


Okay okay okay... cool night tonight. Starts off at St. Bernadine's Parish in Woodland Hills. I was able to speak and rap with about 60 amazing teenagers in 2nd year of confirmation classes. Today's theme was Mary! My speech was on 3 things:
1) How saying "yes" essentially changed to course of humanity! (when Mary said Yes to bear Christ)
2) Developing a "why not?" faith mentality. If we limit our belief we aren't thinking "why not?". This way of thought allows anything to be possible. You can be the best, get a promotion, heal your family, date a really attractive girl... whatever it may be. We need to go into situations with a "why not?" outlook.
3) I taught them to to be official Rosary Rappers.

So as soon as that ended I flew down to the Million Dollar Theatre in Los Angeles in the Batmobile (my car). I found out about Fran Drescher's Charity Benefit concert thanks to my talented friend Caitlin Crosby who was performing in the show. So, I'm always down to show support especially if it's benefiting a good cause.

When I arrived I saw these people standing out interviewing celebs and others about the event. So I was like hmmm.... how could I get to interview... I went to use the bano and as I was walking there it came to me. Write a quick little rap for Fran about Cancer. So I did. I wrote it in like 5 mins. I told the woman doing the interviews that I rap and wrote a cancer rap... she was interested. Then FRAN shows up with ROSIE O'DONNELL. Camera's are flashin all over the place. Then it hit's me RAP to FRAN! I thought to myself "why not?" So as soon as she was done with the pics I got her attention and Bam! The camera was rolling and I introduced myself told her I wrote her a rap and started goin! Following the rap she told her Personal Assistant to get my # because she liked it and may want to use it. Cool!

Yep that happened... lol to me funny but surely possible! Well the show continued and was great. So many talented acts Olivia Newton John, Caitlin Crosby, Jackson Brown, Rosie, and More. The moral of the story is... "why not?" =)

Here's the Rap

Dang she did it
Fran is a winner
Better check yourself
cuz cancer could get ya
But don't be trippin
Pray for the livin
We can find a cure
In a day were given
So Ima keep givin
Money to the cause
Oh my God...
I think He's the answer
To helping us with cancer
I have hope to be fully frantastic
Let's make this happen
Call (818) 4 AN EXAM

Here are some pics and links to her website!