Saturday, October 3, 2009

For Me

I won't stand for it
If your not for me
You are not helping
All my glory is God's, I'm yelling
Inside cuz I'm frustrated
ticked off, I'm sick of always being
picked on
I neglect negativity
but you project negativity
I don't want to balance
I want to proceed
I want to move with speed
continue to believe
but the way you treat me
lacks in feelings
mine at least are ignored
like I am just a board
not human and more..
well... for me it's no more
like I said before
I won't stand for it
open is my door and... I'm walking with caution
but something is obvious
I am being challenged
I can accept it... move on and bless it
or I can reject it... let go and bless it
either way there will most def be blessings
but right now I don't deserve this
I'm through being nice at least until I can re-word this
please stand behind me
you don't know me
I'll see you when your for me
God please transform me!
