Tuesday, November 9, 2010


John 15: 16 "You have not chosen me, I chose you."

Last night I wrote and recorded this week's G.O.D. Friday track "Put It On Me". It was another long night of creating, but a fruitful one. In the process of writing I looked up many different scriptures that might relate to Christ putting on our sin. In the course of writing I came a across the scripture verse from John above. God isn't begging us to choose Him because He already chose us! How powerful is this concept and well stated by Christ. For this reason, I decided to put this verse in the song.

Well, I had more confirmation that God is present in my writing and recording process... Today I embarked on a Journey to San Lorenzo Franciscan Seminary in Santa Ynez California for a Chaminade High School Retreat. Once we arrived to the very scenic and secluded retreat center it was time to eat! While eating I looked up and saw a large piece of art hanging on the wall which read "You have not chosen me, I chose you". I was in awe and thought immediately back to that lyric used in my song merely hours before I arrived at the center. To me this is no coincidence and I've very aware God's hand in the creation of G.O.D. Music. I'm also aware that He chose me and I must respond accordingly.

In faith,


Saturday, November 6, 2010

GOD's Got Me Covered

Today was a great day it was a G.O.D. Day. That's right... I released my first track called "Covered by the Blood" compliments of G.O.D.(Giving Others Depth) Music. Yes, it was a lot of work and I didn't get much sleep last night, but it was completely worth it. I'm thankful with how the song turned out. Jeffrey Dufresne had an amazing feature on the track and overall I really was feelin the vibe.

The day was not only great because I released new music to praise God, but I was able to continue my everyday work in ministry at Chaminade Middle School and High School. I truly value my job as Pastoral Associate. The ability to minister to the youth daily brings purpose to my life. I'm extremely blessed. On top of everything I had the privilege of being a guest on the BUSTED HALO SHOW on the Catholic Channel on Sirius & XM radio. On the show, I conversed with host Fr. Dave Dwyer about the G.O.D. Friday movement. They played a portion of the song I released and it was a really fun interview. It was truly a G.O.D. Friday!

Well the my day is just now coming to an end at 1am but 20 mins ago something pretty big happened. I was in my car, and as I turned up the volume of my radio I heard my song "Covered By The Blood". I had a double take because my iphone wasn't plugged in or playing the song... I was listening to the re-run of the Busted Halo Show from earlier today. I've been on the show quite a few times before but never was able to hear my music from the radio speakers. A big smile came across my face because I thought to myself "wow, my song was just on the radio... I made that song last night and now it could possibly be in the minds and hearts of all listening to the Catholic Channel."

Only with God could something like this happen. Yes, I put work in, but it was for His Glory and for the GOOD of His People. It was at this moment I knew God's Got Me Covered... with His blood... His love... His mercy... His opportunity and so much more.

Praise Him!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lately I've been pretty inspired.... Inspired by God, creation, and especially those sharing their gifts and talents with the world. One person that comes to mind is KANYE WEST. Yes, he's had his failings, but haven't we all. Every Friday till Christmas Kanye releases a new FREE track off his website www.kanyewest.com. It's called G.O.O.D. Music which stands for (GETTING OUT OUR DREAMS). He brings on all kinds of artists and makes good music to share with the world. This is a true artist. He feeds off sharing art! It's a movement of creativity and I'm a big fan!

Monday, during all saints day mass, I had a revelation. If Kanye can maintain inspiration to write and record a track once a week... why can't I? So after a lot of thought and prayer I have decided to go for it! I will be giving out G.O.D. (GIVING OTHERS DEPTH) Music every Friday until Christmas. I want to push myself to share the gift of music with others that propels them to go deeper. With this depth new levels of spirituality may arise, relationships may be healed, prayers may be made, bibles may be read....the possibilities are endless. We as a human family need to dig deeper into our true self... the reason God made us. I will be featuring different artists on the G.O.D. Friday releases. The first track COVERED BY THE BLOOD will feature HiP HoP Artist KNU ERA.

So come back FRIDAY to receive some G.O.D. MUSIC!



Friday, October 22, 2010

No Boundaries

They say I have no boundaries
like I can't be contained
well to an extent their right
because I live by faith
I'll set the world on fire, any time any place
I do it all for the glory of God that makes
me just a servant on my way
doin what I'm supposed to do
Hail Mary pace
full of joy face
relate to all people
catholic ways
but sometimes the catholic weight
of stuck prejudgement gets in my space
like dang is it really one of those days?
I get resistance for the way I share my faith
what I say is sacred..... okay
I wouldn't say it if it was fake...... okay
I come bearing truth
which you can leave or take
ohhh... it too much
sorry! Please don't dislike me
my language isn't harming
quite the contrary
it's the harvest I'm farming
to just raise your vision above the crops to the top
Lord I'm giving you my all, everything I got
be with me when I fall
don't let me prayers stop
for in your word I reside
it is my are my light
a lamp unto my feet
but now I gotta sleep
Amen to you... I do believe

Friday, October 15, 2010

Radical Reflection Causes Internal Tension

There are times when my heart is conflicted due to the reception of my radical ways of expressing my faith. I pray that all hearts are changed to glorify God. Including my own.

I am aware my faith is different. My relationship with God isn’t average by any means. The lens I see God and the way He works is a gift. However, sometimes for others it’s hard to be open to this perspective. I gave a reflection yesterday to 1000 high school students and teachers in which I broke down the 1st four years of Mary’s life in as if she was currently in high school. I described how frightening it might have been to witness an angel telling you that you will become pregnant with the Son of God when you have no relations with a man. I then expressed that the Angel Gabriel said not to worry that they Holy Spirit would come upon her and take care of business. Sure some listening may consider that statement a bit radical or tasteless… but I’m not really bending the truth by any means. That actually happened. It’s the concept is not normal, in fact it’s out of this world....but it's God's concept, not mine! It doesn’t make sense to the human being… seems impossible. I wanted my listeners to grasp the concept that God calls us to higher things even when we don’t understand it. It is our faith that will always provide clarity. I then proceeded to explain how Mary traveled 80 miles with her husband Joseph while being extremely pregnant in order to give birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. I can’t imagine a pregnant woman traveling that far much less on a donkey. Then I touched on Jesus beginning teething at the age of 1-2.

Sometimes we don’t know what the reality is unless we put ourselves in the position to receive the truth. That’s was my plan of attack to allow students to feel what mary felt in ordinary human terms. I had no intention of downplaying the sacredness of this event that jumpstarted the redemptive work of Christ.

Currently, I’m struggling because I believe that the Holy Spirit inspired my perspective and helped me write my reflection. I have ran into these issues before where I feel I’m doing exactly what God wants me to do but it doesn’t fit the norm of society. There are times when I feel that my faith is too radical for some. I am unsure if I should tone it down or remain true to who I am. When these issues came to my attention I of course turn directly to prayer. Whenever I’m in conflict I’d rather go to my advocate and counselor, the Holy Spirit, in hopes to receive comfort and direction.

I recall in college when I rapped in Mass some people didn’t approve, & others enjoyed it. Yesterday, when I spoke I believe a lot of student took valuable messages away from my reflection and some were turned off. When looking at my situation and comparing it to Christ… I think he probably experienced an internal storm as well. Many people heard Christ teaching some connected with the truth and others rejected it immediately. He had a lot of followers, and he had a lot of people who were against him. In yesterday’s reading Jesus said, Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.

Maybe I’m experiencing the Gospel live. Maybe I do need to change my perspective on the way I express my faith. I am turning 25 years old and feel extremely developed in my faith however, still feel I have the faith of a child.

I’m not stubborn in who I am. I always ready to be molded and changed. That’s part of my covenant with God. Take me as I am… Show me Your Plan. Lord it is my prayer that I may work through this conflict and Glorify you in all I do and say. Praise be your holy name always.


Monday, September 13, 2010

A Toast

I Find that Never
God will cease to amaze me
providing provision
From my thoughts to my grace be
Face me this is REAL TALK see
I've been inspired before
but now you can't erase me
Yeah! Who knew I'd have the opportunity
to view a displayed live played
great artist who's faith
hit rock bottom, and he lost his way
but found he had to let go of who he was then
become a better man and be one now
WOW! I was right there... JAMMIN So hard cuz
and his vibes are alive
as he swiftly apologized
dang! what a night
Airtime coast to coast
Hands up, let's make a toast!

Wow! Once again I have good news to report. I had the incredible opportunity to be in the Nokia Center as Kanye West performed a brand new song toasting to his imperfections, problems, and everything he wasn't proud of. Not only did I witness one of my all time favorite artists perform live, I was touching the stage! That's right, thanks to 1iota.com I won a ticket to be a part of Kanye's closing performance in the pit with all the other 400 Kanye fans. I was Jammin' sooo hard. I truly feel the music and vibe off his creativity. Not everyone feels the way I do, but I am so thankful I was able to participate in his performance. Stars/ Celebrities are cool and all, but I wouldn't have wanted to see any other artist perform than KANYE WEST. He is seeking redemption for his mistakes. It's not easy but he's making progress. I'm proud of Ye.

I'm thankful to God for this opportunity! What a night... let's make a toast!


p.s. the pic above is Me and Ye.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

St. Anthony's Parish Performance (MAUI, HI)

So... I was extremely blessed to come out to Hawaii to perform and speak at the St. Anthony's Back to School Mass. We got it poppin for JESUS!!! Here's my rap and reflection during mass. Enjoy! -Joe

Out with the old

In with the new

Something’s gotta change

And they better happen soon-

I'm talkin people of faith

We better regroup

What's it gonna take

For us to include?

All god's people

In everything we do

And not just stare

Like we don't really care

Bout the problems that lie

in front of you!

I can't deny

Our world is starvin

A limited supply

Of love is harmin

Being ignorant

Is very alarming

Quit the excuses

Before you start em


Go ahead

and buckle your seat belt

Because we need help

It's gonna be a ride

On our journey to be well….

We were made good

But don't live as we should

Please go read a book

And get off facebook

Our intellect is melting

If knowledge is power

Then where is the well spring

Listen to the words God uses

When he tells things

It's very clear

He speaks to every ear

Our Time is runnin’ out if the end is near

So let us pray____ right now right here

Then let us praise____ real loud with cheer

And let us Face____ our every fear

Respect our body as a temple that's dear

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah

Now everybody give God a hand.

Have you ever met somebody, or have known someone, maybe it was you… who promised to make a commitment but kept pushing the deadline back. For example I’m going to start my diet tomorrow or I’m going to quit smoking after this cigarette?...... We all have been in that position at one time or another. We sometimes are lazy, lack discipline, and the will to do what’s right. Kanye West says it best in his song “Addictions”. He raps “ Why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good? Everything they told me not to is exactly what I would?” We face the temptation to do what feels good at all times. The temptation to not listen to what God is telling us.

In Jeremiah, the Lord is telling us to Stand in His house speak to His faithful and tell’em like it is. He doesn’t want us to censor what He says or make it sound like it isn’t a problem. Not listening to God is a problem! God wants us to repent but He can only do so much. We need to do our part. When I was a kid If I wasn’t obedient to my parents I’d get in BIG trouble. The same applies to our Father in heaven. After Jeremiah shares every word God is telling him to share this with the faithful… what do they say to him? They say he must be put to death. So if you preach what is right you rest on the possibility of Martyrdom. Those that don’t know the truth might want to kill you. Keep it together and know our job as Christians and Believers is to live our life as a living sacrifice. We imitate the ultimate Sacrifice. Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus. What a guy right? He was non-stop. In today’s Gospel, Christ was going through some stuff. He was in his Native place, His home, speaking to those in the Synagogues. Instead of listening with an open heart and ear… they were skeptical. They questioned him. They had little faith…. They had little faith!

So what does Jesus say to them?... “fine you don’t want it you don’t have to have it… If can’t be respected in my own home… I am without honor. Jesus left and didn’t work mighty deeds because of their lack of faith.

What does this mean? Our faith in God allows him to work in us and around us. As we grow older sometimes we try to out smart God and stray for our child like faith and complete dependence on God. A movie comes to mind that demonstrates this perfectly. It’s called Angels in the Outfield -Disney

Basically. Roger, age 12, is a foster kid who barely get’s to see his family. He asks his dad “when are we going to be a family?” His dad said, “When the Anahiem Angels win the pennant”. (baseball team) The Angels were in last place… yet as a kid Roger says a prayer to God asking to help the angels to victory. He has faith. Miraculous things start happening. The team is playing better and growing stronger. Roger had a “why not faith” He believed! God’s actual angels start helping the Baseball players catch balls, make plays, etc. His little partner in crime JP who’s the cutest little black dude around age 8 or 9 says “it could happen”. Roger and JP are both able to see the angels too!! Seeing angels is absurd to most, but having a child like faith allows them to say “it could happen”? This is key…. We need to have a why not faith mentality. Sometimes we quit before we even start. Sometimes we set ourselves short because we doubt. Doubting is the opposite of faith… don’t do it! We need to say “Why not… it could happen”. I can get straight A’s… why not? I can be the most valuable player on my sports team… why not? I can pray over people and heal them in the name of Jesus… why not? It could happen! Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew… “With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

1) Be obedient to God. Do whatever Asks you. Listen. Live your life as a sacrifice. Some people might want to kill you. Pray for them.

2) Have faith. If you want Jesus to hang around and work in you fully you have to let him know you believe in whole heartedly. Your faith activates His willingness to do mighty deeds in your life. Remember Why not… it could happen!

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah!

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah

Do you feel me?

If you do say yeah

Now everybody give God a hand!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

change in a way

All new...
somethings gotta give
happen at will
still is sit and wonder
you got to
there's no other way to find out what to do
seek and you shall find
however when I write
I allow truth to unwind
I want to become better in a few areas
first to be more in tuned and communed with God
that takes time, dedication, and an open spirit to work with
discipline in many regards is my biggest flaw
it seems fixable but yet I hold off
I already know what I have to do
it's just a matter of doing it
greatness comes through much sacrifice
live twice... nah it only happens one time
so I want to live right

I'm not so confused just amused
at the space I've been placed in at the moment
it's not vacant but I'm not sure if it has room for two
huh... maybe its a decision
to stay or go
give or take
a choice to make

Right now I'm not so in the moment
more thinking into what the future's holding
and honestly I hope it's glowing
in fact I don't doubt it and thats why I'm growing

Lately I've been pretty inspired to write
tell stories through lyrics
so God I just pray
you help me to change in a way that pleases you
sometimes that's all it takes
much love and good night!
hope you had a nice day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alrighty.... These past two days have been slightly unbelievable. So i'd like to share exactly what happened. Okay, let's start with yesterday (SUNDAY JUNE 13) Day starts off with a little jog and swim, then church service, then Chaminade LIFE team celebration, Church in Santa Monica at St. Monicas, Philosophy night in North Hollywood with my friend Matt and finally HOUSE OF BLUES in Hollywood. Busy little sabbath ya know. Well, everything was great but at the House of Blues something happened.

My Room/Housemate DJ EDDIE was DJing a private event at House of Blues. I was very proud he got this gig and wanted to show some love and support and roll through. When I arrive I proceed to go on stage with Eddie and find out through his girlfriend that there is special guest performance about to take place! I was excited enough to be there however when I found out that SNOOP DOGG was performing I was totally DOWN!

Snoop comes out! Does a great 25 min set. I am dancing behind him on stage and it was GREAT! You know those people you see at concerts that just stand in the back and bob their head while the music is playing... well that was me... except I was dancing hardcore. After everything was over snoop came out as we were loading Eddie's car. I snagged a pic the Mr. Dogg before he entered his private lincoln sedan. Great day! So excited I S N Double O P!

Next day (MONDAY JUNE 14) go to school to help with the LIFE TEAM meeting. Play some BBALL and then had a missed call twitter message from SAM LEON. Sam usually hits me up when something really important is going on. Sam was a former student of mine who last year brought me to the AMERICAN IDOL finale performance show. He's always in the know of what's happening in LA and where the CONCERTS are going down. He tells me that there is this huge event for ACTIVISION which is a video game company. He said there's a conference in town and ACTIVISION spent nearly 6million to make this show!

I'm telling SAM how do we get tickets... he responds with it's invite only but I think I just won tickets from AMP RADIO. He calls back 5 mins later to confirm we have tix to the show. PRAISE GOD because he gave me a list of performers that were INCREDIBLE!

We get our wrist bands... enter the staple center around 8:30pm. As we walk in we soon realized that everything was FREE. Imagine going to the movies and ordering anything you want from the concessions that is usually 10x it's normal price.... FOR FREE!! They even had free beer and wine! WOW!

As we are waiting we see David Guetta and Tony Hawk on the red carpet. Stoked! Then the doors open and we walk down... and down.... and down.... right to the floor. We could touch the stage! Now the fun begins... Here was the line up for the ACTIVISION E 3 Concert!

1) DeadMaus - incredible dj wears a funny looking mouse head while he is DJing
2) David Guetta- produced sexy chick, Memories (kid cudi) Getting over you (Fergie, LMFAO) and many more. Dude flew in from Paris for the show.
3) USHER- My MAN! Danced to 4 songs and completely rocked it!
4) Will.I.AM came out to perform OMG with Usher.
5) Tony Hawk- talked about his new game coming out soon
6) Queen- Classic rock band! They sang with a full orchestra and gospel chior
7) Janes Addiction- Rock band with Dave Navarro on the guitar
8) Talented Aerialist who climbed up a 100 ft pole and did incredible tricks
9) Sound Garden- rock band (I didn't know them too well)
10) NERD- awesome band featuring SUPERPRODUCER Pharell Williams. They inspired me a ton when I was a kid listening to their music.
11)A random new artist... female... sounded good but I didn't get her name
12) Last but not least EMINEM featuring Travis Barker on the Drums and a guest performance by Rihanna!!

Talk about an incredible night. ACTIVISION really did it big. I have mad props for their hospitality and ability to invest in their very own customers and co-workers. The funny thing was Sam and I were trying to win TIX to Wango Tango.That was a huge event which also contains many incredible artists. We didn't get tix but I told sam maybe God has bigger and better things in store for us. HE DID WITH ACTIVISION!! I loved every performance but my favorite were USHER and EMINEM's set. Soooo good!

So that's what's happening now.. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Prayer = GAME TIME

Wow... it's been a long time since I've blogged... a lot has happened and I sort of regret not being disciplined to type it out. However, today I am speaking to a youth group called SOUTH SIDE YOUTH MINISTRY in St. Louis. I was asked to speak on the power of prayer and also how we must remained disciplined and faithful in our prayer. Happy to talk about it. So here are some of my thoughts....

Prayer is the easiest form to get to know God and for God to get to know you. We are humans and we can talk. Prayer is merely talking to God. It is communicating knowing that He's listening. Prayer is free flowing faith expressed in words, thoughts, ideas, and even actions. Prayer is presenting who you are to God. Many times the humanity / child comes out of us as we pray for what we want. ex: God please let me do well on my test even though I didn't study. Or we can throw a temper tantrum if we don't get what we want or if something goes wrong. ex. God why the heck would you let all these earthquakes happen to these impoverished countries... what are you thinking? People are dying!!

Let me be blunt and say GOD DOESN'T MESS UP. He never has and never will. Therefore we can't blame bad things on Him because He only produces good. Prayer is a form of surrender and obedience. I played basketball all my life and I always had clear lines of communication with my Coach. This way I knew what he was looking for and how to improve. I had deep respect for him and never talked back if I disagreed with a play or call he'd make. If I did... I'd sit the bench or run A LOT next practice. I didn't exactly fear my coach but instead respected him with a high level of Trust. Through communication he knew were I was at and I knew where he was at. When he saw how disciplined I was in my obedience to listen and do what he asks his trust in me grew. Therefore he would put me in the game due to his confidence in my ability to execute the play he made.

Same thing applies to God. When you stay faithful in prayer, don't question God's authority, and work hard to develop a level of trust, God will trust you to play well on His court. Not only that he will depend on you. Almighty God will say I believe go achieve victory in my name. He will put you in when you are up against people 5 times your size. Look at David... He takes a big risk going up against Goliath. Goliath even taunts him and basically says, "I eat people like you for breakfast!" David responds with this...

5 "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down..."

David had confidence in the Lord. He knew the only reason he was strong was because of the LORD. Bam! David models a bold form of prayer. Impossible is nothing to God. However, it took time for David to build this faith... it didn't happen over night. He remained disciplined and when it was game time GOD put him in... not only that but blessed him with VICTORY.

Prayer will essentially mold us into knowing who we are in God. God's grace will be a part of our daily life. We will know God better and He will know us. The more we know God the more we can truly love God. All parties benefit.

So there's no time to delay. Let's start praying today. Share everything you are with God... concerns, hopes, dreams, whatever it may be. Build that bond of trust so when it's Game time... God will put you in and fear won't even faze you!

Here's a rap to clarify what I've mentioned above.

Many blessings,


"Pray without Ceasing"

Remain disciplined

Yes it takes diligence

Faith and per- sis-tence

Wake from existence

Into assistance

Making right decisions

Working through resistance

Relying on provisions

God given precision

Just go the distance

Seek the collision

Between earth and heaven

Spiritual connection

Divine affection

Providing high direction

Extreme protection

Holy Spirit injection

With no rejection

Just the projection….. of truth

A blessing to teach God’s lessons

And do everything we can to pursue

The king of the Jews

With faith not proof

We stay in tuned

and strive to move, up

closer to the saints

that pray for us

we are a family of believe-as

He won’t leave us

nor will he forsake us

Instead makes us

Filled with his graces

So he can take us

All around the nations

Sure it takes patience

But he’s got time

He’s king for all ages

First we gotta shine

Show our God flavor

Then get in line

And follow our savior

We are not divine

But human in nature

So keep on tryin

To become braver

Then you’ll find

Abundant favor

But let’s start now

Instead of later

So lift your head

And say a prayer

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Joyful Transition

The Last time I blogged it was after Christmas eve mass. Earlier that day I sat in front of the Blessed Sacrament to pray for a dear student named Suzy Beazley. I knew Suzy was ill and in the hospital over Christmas break. No one wants to spend Christmas in a Hospital. I was concerned for her health and later found out Suzy was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. This past week we were praying for a miracle. Suzy was fighting for her life and we really hoped God would let us keep her. However, today I sat in front of the Blessed Sacrament again praying for her healing on earth or joyful transition into God's kingdom. God chose the latter. This has been hard because I knew Suzy. I admired her spirit and her constant fearlessness. She was a dancer and had truly grown in the past year and a half in high school. I really do feel blessed to know her.

I look at this a couple ways... I can live my life in a period of waiting... waiting for the day when I will meet all my departed brothers and sisters or I can live each day spreading Gods news so more people may enter Heaven and I can sorta guarantee a spot. (I hope) Life seems like a long time... but it's not. In a blink of an eye things can change. I do look forward to God's Kingdom and being with Jesus. I am trying to become comfortable in my human limitation. Rest in the fact that I don't know why everything happens and that's how it's supposed to be. I'll let God Shepherd his flock and remind myself I'm merely a sheep. I can only do so much.

Today, the heavens gained a bright, dynamic, funny, compassionate, and beautiful creation. Suzy may you watch over all of us. May your presence live inside of us and may we meet again in the freedom of God's Kingdom. Much love Suz. Keep DANCIN!

Below is the poem I wrote on God's Word while suzy was making her joyful transition.

Lord your words are workin and

They are never broken for

Every time their spoken your

Life is unfolding more

So the prayers that I hold

I will now let go

Give them to your special

Heart and just let your

Graces befall

In your word I recall

What we ask in your will

Will now be ours

You are bright like stars

And your light shines on

So any place of darkness

In me is now gone

Because you are beyond

If you ask I respond

With fa sho & I got you

You lead and I’ll follow

Your words are not hollow

They connect to me I know

Every time I reflect on your story

I’m reminded you are not done yet

And your Glory is comin

But these days are becoming like

Tough So I’m runin right

Home to your son in my soul

for the moment

until I get strength to keep on goin

- JM