Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lately I've been pretty inspired.... Inspired by God, creation, and especially those sharing their gifts and talents with the world. One person that comes to mind is KANYE WEST. Yes, he's had his failings, but haven't we all. Every Friday till Christmas Kanye releases a new FREE track off his website It's called G.O.O.D. Music which stands for (GETTING OUT OUR DREAMS). He brings on all kinds of artists and makes good music to share with the world. This is a true artist. He feeds off sharing art! It's a movement of creativity and I'm a big fan!

Monday, during all saints day mass, I had a revelation. If Kanye can maintain inspiration to write and record a track once a week... why can't I? So after a lot of thought and prayer I have decided to go for it! I will be giving out G.O.D. (GIVING OTHERS DEPTH) Music every Friday until Christmas. I want to push myself to share the gift of music with others that propels them to go deeper. With this depth new levels of spirituality may arise, relationships may be healed, prayers may be made, bibles may be read....the possibilities are endless. We as a human family need to dig deeper into our true self... the reason God made us. I will be featuring different artists on the G.O.D. Friday releases. The first track COVERED BY THE BLOOD will feature HiP HoP Artist KNU ERA.

So come back FRIDAY to receive some G.O.D. MUSIC!



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