Monday, February 16, 2009

Destined To Be Connected

We are only human 
and limited by our humanity 
but free in God's expression
it's a matter of perspective

What is our meaning,
purpose and mission?
what does God want? 
Who is he or she? 

I don't understand, so I must go
search the earth to find substance 
value, reason...
to be fulfilled and content while I'm breathin'

As I journey, well... I don't know what will happen
what I'm seeking.. I hope it will find me  
I want my destiny to connect with me 
whatever it may be... I want to see

I want to go further
reach another level 
I desire to go higher 
progress and not rest...

until I rest in the contentment 
of understanding, 
I find meaning through the music of my heart
the beauty's never dark... or is it? 

the clock is ticking 
I must be efficient 
before I go I wish you could come with me...

Today I met a woman at the Apple store who was buying an iPod for her mother. Tomorrow her mother turns 70. Getting older isn't an easy thing to do however, most 70 year-olds have a family party, dance a little, eat, and before you know it bedtime has arrived. Well, I learned that this 70 year old woman is going to Africa by herself for 2 months. Submerging herself into African poverty in the search of meaning in life. 
The daughter said she is going because she want's to know what's out there... she wants clarity and truth. She is seeking a connection with her destiny, her mission and meaning.  At first I thought she must be some kind of Saint, but no she is just like us... but she actively wants to explore and Journey into Faith even at an old age. 
I was truly blown away and it made me realize... the journey never stops. God works in peoples lives at different times and any sacrifice or effort we make to come closer to him is such a treat. God delights in our search to find him. Our process of discovery. The poem above explains some of the thoughts this amazing 70 year old woman might be thinking. At the end it says, "I wish you could come with me"... we should bring people to journey along with us, but we must also realize sometimes God wants to find us one person at a time. Like hide and go seek. If we hide together it spoils the fun. When God finds us one at a time he is able to touch us personally, smile and have quality time to understand who we are. Alone our true character is shown. Yes, we are all companions on the journey, and we do seek truth together but we must be bold and walk into the unknown even if it is by ourself. 
I believe we were destined to be connected to God. God is the missing piece. He completes us and we are made whole. When we connect with God a new self emerges. Not a changed self just new and somewhat reinvented. This self comes complete with a God mind, a God heart, and a God body. We had these all along but the connection activates them into life.
Powerful stuff, it takes effort. We must grow into it. Ease into the heart of God. Be strong as a community of seekers and develop a personal relationship even if it means traveling to distant places to find truth in midst of poverty. God is at the core of everything. 

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