Sunday, February 22, 2009

In the background

Not altered
Simply present 
Understood with hands outstretched
Work manifests
the rest continues 
as the background 
observes progress

Saturday February 21st was a productive but exhausting day. It started at 5:45 am when I woke up to take 4 amazing Chaminade High School Students down to the "Catholic Worker" (A food kitchen for the homeless) in Los Angeles. Surprisingly, the students were all early and awake! When we arrived we started preparing for the meals to be served. This part wasn't bad at all, except the cutting/chopping of 30 onions literally whipped out our whole volunteer staff because the were crying. =) We survived though. The Catholic Worker Team prayed before and after the preparation. Our fearless leader Faustino said something like, "We believe Jesus will be coming through the line today so let us smile and greet Him with a warm Hello". I do often think about how jesus will approach you through other people. I was then asked to be on the front lines serving carrots and onions, stationed outside in the little patio eating area. 
As impoverished humanity walked through the line I did my best to provide energy and hospitality as I served onions and carrots. 10-15 minutes in... I noticed a small mary statue in the background. She was behind all those eating and hidden/ but visible if you looked for her. The symbolism spoke to me. Mary was ever present watching her beautiful children. Yet she was in the background allowing God's work to thrive as she extends her hands with a warm welcome into prayer. As I served I thought about how we should strive to lead God's people but sometimes stand back and let the workers work.  I often remember as a kid, my mom watching me play basketball outside, while preparing dinner. Whenever I'd make an amazing shot I'd glance over to see if she was watching. She was in the background full of pride and excitement for her son. When I would catch her watching me I felt as though if I received her approval and support I could do anything! Mary is the same way. She wants us to Do. She has done her part in raising her children. Now it is time to be almost invisible in the background and let the prior work evolve.
Being the Batman fan that I am. I'd like to quote a review I read over the summer describing the role of the Joker. It read, "Heath Ledger did so much give a performance but disappeared completely into the role". We too should strive to do ministry so well that we disappear into the role of a disciple.  A disciple that serves, believes, and watches intently with a heart of compassion. We too must be in the front lines but know when to stand back and serve behind the scenes.  This is a process, but Mary mastered it. I pray that we may learn by her example. 
As the day continued. I went to work at apple, had a huge dinner. While I was eating i thought to myself. I have the privilege of eating this great food... and so many just eat anything to survive. We are all united in hunger but not always united in being fed. Well, I became full after eating half of my chicken, rice, and glass noodles. I didn't want to waste the food especially after working at the Catholic Worker. 2 seconds later this young man who seemed in need, comes up and asks me for money to buy a meal. I said would you like the rest of my dinner. He said sure... and that was that. 
After work I  proceeded to chaperone the Chaminade High School Winter Formal. This was an amazing event put on by Student Council and their guide and Mary figure, Julie Labelle. I assisted in helping three wonderful mothers with the Coat Check. The Mom's appreciated my help but encouraged me to go out, dance, and socialize with the students. They said, "We are moms... this is what we do." They serve in the background while their kids live it up on the dance floor. They appreciate the opportunity to be close to their children. They were in the background. I did end up walking around, dancing, re-filling the water, and I eating a few complimentary cookies. However, I had a better understanding of what it means to be and serve in the background. 

The following pics are from the catholic worker. Notice Mary in the background.

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